
To build Confident, Competent and Compassionate Citizens through Value Based Quality Education.


To provide the best exposure to enrich teachers who will be empowered to teach by integrating subjects and by using collaborative strategies and skills and provide educational solutions appropriate to the age level and individual student need.
To provide the highest quality value based learning environment to equip teachers with the professional competencies to cope with the rapid advancement in the field of Research, Education and Technology.
To provide the teachers with mentors to guide, equip and empower them through their course in attaining maximum skills with ease.
To enhance the position of the college as a Pioneer Institution in best practices, both in academic excellence and as a resource centre for schools.

To elevate TVS Teacher Training Academy as a leading teacher training institution in the state and in the country, by providing a culturally and socially rich learning environment, to achieve educational excellence in a supportive and secure climate; to prepare our trainee students to achieve a high level of academic proficiency and become successful and effective preceptors, critical thinkers, risk-takers, problem solvers engaged in life-long learning and empowered to achieve personal, educational and career goals in a culturally diverse, ever-changing international scenario; to help in building the global community and make contributions to the world society; succeed as responsible citizens in the changing world and to become global leaders, to make our institution one of the models of teaching and learning where student trainees are trained on how to teach, create, lead and innovate.

  • Republic Day Celebrations - 26.01.2025

    Republic Day Celebrations for the First Year Students o...Read more

  • Pongal Celebrations - 10.01.2025

    Pongal Celebrations and Competitions for the First Year...Read more

  • Christmas Celebrations - 21.12.2024

    Christmas Celebrations for the First Year Students on 2...Read more

  • National Level Quiz Competition - 14.12.2024

    National Level Online Quiz Competition on Energy Conser...Read more

  • Role Play Mask Competition - 27.11.2024

    Role Play Mask Competition for the First Year Students ...Read more

  • BuZZ 11.0 Competition - 23.11.2024

    BuZZ 11.0 Competition at R.J. Mantra English School, Vi...Read more

  • Puppet Show Competition - 22.11.2024

    Puppet Show Competitions for the First Year Students at...Read more

  • Diwali Celebrations - 29.10.2024

    Diwali Celebrations for the First Year B.Ed. Trainees a...Read more

  • Theatre in Education - 23.10.2024 to 25.10.2024

    Theatre in Education for the First Year B.Ed. Trainees ...Read more

  • Heritage Hunt Competition & Keezhadi Visit - 21.09.2024

    Heritage Hunt Competition (around Meenakshi Temple) for...Read more

  • Teachers Day Celebration - 05.09.2024

    Teachers Day Celebration at TTA Multipurpose Hall on 05...Read more

  • Independence Day Celebration - 20.08.2024

    Independence Day Celebration on 20.08.2024 at TTA Premi...Read more

  • Anti-Drugs Awareness Programme - 12.08.2024

    Anti-Drugs Awareness Programme on 12.08.2024 at TTA Pre...Read more

  • Kargil Vijaya Diwas Celebration - 26.07.2024

    Celebration on Kargil Vijaya Diwas at TTA Premises on 2...Read more

  • TTA Reopening Pooja - 10.07.2024

    TTA Reopening Pooja on 10.07.2024 at Multipurpose Hall ...Read more

  • University Practical Examination

    Second Year (2022-24) University Practical Commission o...Read more

  • 15th Lighting Ceremony - 10.05.2024

    TTA 15th Lighting Ceremony Celebration at Lakshmi Schoo...Read more

  • International Seminar - 12.04.2024

    International Seminar on “Unwiring the Power of Psych...Read more

  • TNTEU Inspection Visit

    TNTEU Inspection Visit – Continuation of Provisional ...Read more

  • Semester-1 University Examination

    From 06.03.2024 to 11.03.2024 - Semester – 1 - Univer...Read more

  • Inter-Collegiate Meet - Dhrona Utsav'24 - 05.03.2024

    Dhrona Utsav’24 – Inter-Collegiate Meet on 05.03.20...Read more

  • National Seminar at The American College - 21.02.2024

    On 21.02.2024, our Faculty Members Dr. R. Jeya and Dr. ...Read more

  • INARA - State Level Competition at LDC, Madurai

    On 13.02.2024, 17 First Year Students participated in t...Read more

  • Republic Day Celebration - 26.01.2024

    On 26.01.2024, Republic Day Celebration for the B.Ed. T...Read more

  • Pongal Celebrations - 12.01.2024

    Pongal Celebrations and for the First Year Students on ...Read more

  • Alumni Association Meeting - 16.12.2023

    Alumni Association Meeting held on 16.12.2023 afternoon...Read more

  • 12th Graduation Day - 16.12.2023

    12th Graduation Day held on 16.12.2023 at Lakshmi Schoo...Read more

  • Project Punch - 23.11.2023 to 25.11.2023

    From 23.11.2023 to 25.11.2023, Workshop on "Project Pun...Read more

  • Story Telling Competition - 09.11.2023

    Story Telling Competition for the First Year Students o...Read more

  • State Educational Achievement Survey (SEAS)

    State Educational Achievement Survey (SEAS) 2023 - for ...Read more

  • TTA Saraswathi Pooja - 16.10.2023

    TTA Saraswathi Pooja on 16.10.2023 between 09.00 a.m. t...Read more

  • School Internship - Second Year - 2022-24 Batch

    Second Year (2022-24 Batch) - 16 Weeks School Internshi...Read more

  • Teachers Day Celebration - 05.09.2023

    Teachers Day Celebration on 05.09.2023 at TTA Premises,...Read more

  • Independence Day Celebration - 15.08.2023

    Independence Day Celebration at TTA Campus on 15.08.202...Read more

  • Semester-II - University Theory Examination

    From 09.08.2023 to 14.08.2023 - First Year - 2022-24 Ba...Read more

  • Semester-IV - University Theory Examination

    From 03.08.2023 to 08.08.2023 - Second Year - 2021-23 B...Read more

  • TTA Reopening Pooja

    TTA Reopening Pooja for the academic year 2023-2024 at ...Read more

  • Farewell Day - 22.05.2023

    Second Year (2021-23 Batch) Farewell Day Celebration at...Read more

  • Educational cum Residential Camp - 18th & 19th May

    2 days Educational cum Residential Camp at Cochin and W...Read more

  • 14th Lighting Ceremony - 12.05.2023

    14th Lighting Ceremony on 12.05.2023 at Lakshmi School ...Read more

  • National Seminar - 28.04.2023

    National Seminar on "Emerging Trends and Technology in ...Read more

  • University Theory Examination - Semeser-1

    First Year - SEMESTER-1 - University Theory Examination...Read more

  • Inter-Collegiate Meet - Valedictory - 12.04.2023

    Inter-Collegiate Competitions on 12.04.2023 at TTA Camp...Read more

  • Inter-Collegiate Meet - Inauguration - 12.04.2023

    Inter-Collegiate Competitions on 12.04.2023 at TTA Camp...Read more

  • Internal Examination - 1 - Semester-IV

    Semester-IV Internal Examination - 1 for the B.Ed. Seco...Read more

  • TNTEU Practical Commission - 10th & 11th March, 2023

    TNTEU Practical Commission for the B.Ed. Second Year St...Read more

  • SWAYAM Examination - Second Year

    Second Year SWAYAM Examination on 25th & 26th February,...Read more

  • Staff Value Camp - HR Initiatives - 24.02.2023

    HR Initiatives - Staff Value Camp at Hotel Cesci, Kadav...Read more

  • First Year Model Examination - 13.02.2023

    First Year - Semester-I Model Examination - from 13.02....Read more

  • Republic Day Celebrations - 26.01.2023

    Republic Day Celebrations for B.Ed. Students on 26.01.2...Read more

  • Pongal Celebrations and Competitions

    Pongal Celebrations and Competitions for both First Yea...Read more

  • Christmas Day Celebrations - 23.12.2022

    Christmas Day Celebrations for the First Year and Secon...Read more

  • Field Visit - Keezhadi Village - World Heritage Week Celebration

    Field Visit for the First Year Students on 22.11.2022 t...Read more

  • Beehive Competition - at R.J. Mantra School, Virudhu Nagar

    Beehive Competition at R.J. Mantra School, Virudhunagar...Read more

  • Programme with Appar School Students, Karuppayurani

    Activities with Appar School Students, Karuppayurani fo...Read more

  • Working Model Competition - 28.10.2022

    Working Model Competition for the First Year Students o...Read more

  • Innovative School Visit - LS & LMHSS - First Year

    Innovative School Visit for the First Year Students at ...Read more

  • Diwali Celebrations - 21.10.2022

    Diwali Celebrations for the First Year Students at TTA ...Read more

  • Puppet Show Competition - 18.10.2022

    Puppet Show Competition for the First Year Students on ...Read more

  • TTA Saraswathi Pooja

    TTA Saraswathi Pooja at Multi Purpose Hall on 27.09.202...Read more

  • Teachers' Day Celebrations

    Teachers' Day Celebrations on 06.09.2022 at TTA Multi P...Read more

  • Independence Day Celebration - 15.08.2022

    Independence Day Celebration at TTA Campus, Flag Hoisti...Read more

  • Second Year - School Internship Training

    Second Year School Internship Training - from 01.08.202...Read more

  • Second Year - 2020-22 Batch - Non Semester - University Examination

    From 25.07.2022 to 29.07.2022 - Second Year - 2020-22 B...Read more

  • First Year - 2021-23 Batch - Semester - II University Examination

    From 15.07.2022 to 20.07.2022 - First Year - 2021-23 Ba...Read more

  • 06.07.2022 - Reopening Pooja - 2022-23

    TTA Reopening Pooja for the academic year 2022-2023 at ...Read more

  • Model Examination - Semester & Non Semester

    23.05.2022 to 28.05.2022 - Model Examination for First ...Read more

  • Educational Field Trip

    12.05.2022 and 13.05.2022 - 2 days Educational cum Resi...Read more

  • Internal Examination - Semester & Non Semester

    09.05.2022 to 11.05.2022 - Internal Examination –2 ...Read more

  • 13th Annual Day Celebration

    13th Annual Day Celebration at Lakshmi Campus on 23.04....Read more

  • Theater Arts Programme

    Theater Arts Programme for the Second Year from 04.04.2...Read more

  • TNTEU Practical Commission - 2 Days

    2 Days TNTEU Practical Commission for the Second Year (...Read more

  • Paper Valuation - 15.03.2022 to 17.03.2022

    TNTEU Paper Valuation for the First Year 2020-2022 (Non...Read more

  • First Year (2021-23) University Online Examination - SEMESTER-I

    University Theory Examination - SEMESTER - I for the Fi...Read more

  • First Year (2020-22) University Online Examination

    University Theory Examination for the First Year – 20...Read more

  • Republic Day Celebrations - First Year

    73rd Republic Day Celebrations for the First Year stude...Read more

  • Pongal Day Celebrations - First Year

    Pongal Day Celebrations for the First Year students thr...Read more