S.No. | Name of the Room | Size (L x B) in Feet | Size (L x B) in Sq. Feet |
1 | Classroom – 1 | 26.3 x 29.1 | 763.75 |
2 | Classroom – 2 | 26.3 x 26.2 | 687.38 |
3 | Classroom – 3 | 26.3 x 26.2 | 687.38 |
4 | Classroom – 4 | 26.3 x 26.6 | 695.63 |
5 | Classroom – 5 | 26.3 x 26.2 | 687.35 |
6 | Multipurpose Hall with seating capacity of 200 | 28.10 x 74.7 | 2150.17 |
7 | Library-cum-Reading Room | 30 x 47.1 | 1413.29 |
8 | Resource Centre for ICT | 26.3 x 26.2 | 687.35 |
9 | Resource Centre for Educational Technology | 26.3 x 26.2 | 687.35 |
10 | Psychology Curriculum Laboratory | 13 x 26 | 338.00 |
11 | Mathematics Curriculum Laboratory | 8.10 x 10 | 88.30 |
12 | Science Curriculum Laboratory | 30 x 31.3 | 937.50 |
13 | History Curriculum Laboratory | 8.10 x 10 | 88.30 |
14 | Art and Craft Resource Centre | 8.10 x 10 | 88.30 |
15 | Health and Physical Education Resource Centre (including Yoga Education) | 32.6 x 12.6 | 406.12 |
16 | Principal's Office | 26.3 x 26.2 | 687.35 |
17 | Staff Room | 26.3 x 21.10 | 573.60 |
18 | Administrative Office | 10.6 x 14.9 | 154.87 |
19 | Visitor's Lounge | 14 x 38.3 | 535.50 |
20 | Common Room for Male/td> | 9 x 23.1 | 207.67 |
21 | Common Room for Female | 8 x 14.10 | 118.86 |
22 | Seminar Room | 26.3 x 26.2 | 687.58 |
23 | Canteen | 24.0 x 55.10 | 1339.60 |
24 | Toilet for Male | 11.6 x 25.0 | 287.07 |
25 | Toilet for Female | 11.6 x 25.0 | 287.07 |
26 | Toilet for Staff | 11.6 x 19.10 | 228.04 |
27 | Parking Space | 155.1 x 116.10 | 6428.12 |
28 | Store Room - 1 | 11.0 x 13.2 | 144.66 |
29 | Store Room - 2 | 11.0 x 22.9 | 250.90 |
30 | Multipurpose Play Field | 68 x 120 | 8160.00 |
31 | Open Space for Additional Accommodation | 33.3 x 249 | 8280.00 |
32 | Audio Visual Room | 16.0 x 8.9 | 140.00 |
33 | Board Room | 26.3 x 26.2 | 687.35 |
34 | UPS Room | 6.0 x 11.4 | 94.41 |
35 | Tutorial | 17.3 x 16.3 | 280.31 |
36 | First Aid cum Sick Room | 8.6 x 11.3 | 95.65 |
37 | Pantry | 10.6 x 15 | 157.50 |
38 | Stationary Store & Reprography | 4.10 x 4.10 | 23.32 |
39 | Garden Area | 93.9 x 73.6 | 6890.62 |
The college has spacious and well ventilated classrooms which can accommodate 50 to 60 students per class. Our classrooms are provided with LCD projectors and Smart Boards and integrate technology in the teaching learning process.
A large multipurpose hall of 2150 square feet is available which accommodates around 300 people where all celebrations, workshops, seminars and training is conducted.
Our library stocks an exhaustive collection of Books, Educational journals on various subjects, annuals, biannuals, monthlies, weeklies and daily issues. A number of reference books CD ROM's (e-reference, encyclopedia, web-references etc.) are also available along with audio and video cassettes.
S.No. | Particulars | Total Description |
1 | Room Area | 131.3 Sq. Meter |
2 | Seating Capacity | 60 Seats |
3 | Volumes | 8139 nos. |
4 | Titles | 5504 nos. |
5 | Text Books | 250 nos. |
6 | Reference Books | 504 nos. |
7 | Journals | 15 nos. |
8 | Magazines | 7 nos. |
9 | Multimedia | 124 nos. |
10 | Books in Book-bank | 233 nos. |
11 | Encyclopaedia | 106 nos. |
12 | News Papers | 3 nos. |
13 | Internet Connection | Available |
14 | Library Software | Available |
15 | Bar Code Reader | Available |
The following Registers are maintaining in Library:
S.No. | Particulars |
1 | Stock Register |
2 | Accession Register |
3 | Journals / Magazines Entry Register |
4 | Lending Books Register |
5 | Members Register |
6 | Purchase Register |
7 | Book Bank Register |
8 | Daily Library User Register |
Resource rooms for ICT, Mathematics, Art & Craft, History and Curriculum is available. A well equipped classroom along with equipments is available in the Health and Physical Education Resource Centre.
Separate well-equipped, spacious laboratories for Educational Physical science, Biological science,
Laboratory is completely furnished, spacious and fully equipped with the latest instruments.
Laboratory can occupy 30 numbers of students for performing the practical at a time
The laboratory setup is in such a way that both theory and practical classes can be taken simultaneously thus functioning as a lecture cum demonstration room.
Laboratory is also equipped with latest fire fighting extinguishers.
Laboratory is also equipped with latest security systems.
Computer and Language laboratories are available with updated modern scientific equipments to conduct practical in the concerned subjects.
The lab is well equipped with a wide variety of Performance Tests, Paper Pencil Tests, Group Tests, Individual Tests, Intelligence Tests, Personality Tests, and various Psychometric Tests.
Smart Board Equipment is available in the Classroom-3 and the Smart TV Equipment is available in the Classroom-1.
Principals Office, College Office, Staff Rooms and Exam Office are the administrative areas of the college. There is a spacious visitor’s lounge at the entrance of the college.
There is comfortable room for boys and girls which is used by the students in case of a medical or health issue.
A large play field which is utilized by the students for all outdoor games and activities like celebrations and events.
The college has a beautiful open-air venue used for entertainment, performances, and sports too.
Healthy meals and nutritious snacks at modest rates are served at our canteen for both the students and staff on all working days. Special efforts are taken by the canteen staff to ensure hygiene in both the preparation and serving of food.
A college bus plies on a regular basis for all our students picking them up and dropping them in their respective places. The bus crew assures safe journey for all the commuters with a special emphasis on punctuality and friendliness.